give hope
Through Heartfelt Hope you can help resource communities in need with the skills and equipment to allow growth and change. We partner with and educate individuals on health, growth, self sustainability & small business practices.
Our GROW program looks at teaching about bio-diversity, animal breeding, family gardens and community gardens especially in our rural communities to bring about healthy change. We have also connected and partnered with MicroLend Australia who have bought in education to our communities on a variety of other small business practices & principles, including micro finance loans for new ventures so communities are able to grow and bring stability.
A big success has been encouraging villagers with the planting of fruit trees in some rural areas and breeding goats and chickens to create a small income.
there are many ways to share hope
Establishing Medical Clinics
Micro loans to support pastors
Bikes for business
Solar power for Medical Clinics
Hygiene packs for women
Bibles in local languages
our current project:
Bumeru, Uganda
A recent study around Lake Victoria showed 87% of the people tested were infected with parasites or some kind of water born disease - causing malnutrition, sickness and premature death.
In response to this, we have set up a little health clinic in Bumeru on Lake Victoria with community toilets and gardens. We are also finalising a water filtration system which the community can use to access clear and clean water. We still have some work to do to bring these projects to completion and would love you to partner with us to bring hope to the people of Bumeru!